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Super Collagen + C Neocell 120 Tablets

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 1,000.00 EGP.Current price is: 950.00 EGP.

  • Production of Neocell, USA.
  • 120 Tablets.
  • Collagen is fortified with vitamin C for a better absorption.
  • For skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints.
  • For a healthier, younger and brighter look and performance.
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified.

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Super Collagen + C Neocell Tablets is a product specially made for your beauty and health.

Collagen is the main structural protein in the in various tissues in the body such as skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints.

We are here to help you always emphasize and embrace the importance of self caring! These tablets will help you maintain a great well being, in addition to a great youthful appearance.

Collagen type1, 3 include proteins in the form of amino acids which make up hair, skin, nail, and bones, not only that, collagen tablets promote the natural production of one’s own collagen, strengthens the hair, nourishes the scalp and hair roots, prevents fine lines and wrinkles of the skin, in addition to improving the bones and joints connection for a stronger body with a thicker bones and less fracture risk rate.

Super Collagen + C Neocell Tablets Benefits and Uses:

  • Collagen type 1,3 is one of the best proteins that body needs.
  • The collagen production rate reduces by age in our body, this is the main result of the aging signs, painful bones and joints.
  • To care for your body health before it’s too late is the best solution, this amazing combination of collagen + vitamin C will give you a vibrant bright skin, it will promote tissues and fibers rebuilt to heal dryness, wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, and revers aging sign.
  • It will enhance the younger appearance by providing you a firmer skin.
  • Collagen will increase hair thickness and prevent hair fall, vitamin C will nourish the scalp and the hair to be healthy, more elastic and stronger.
  • The collagen is also great for nails, it rectifies brittle nail beds, repairs them, prevents the breakage of nails, and adds shine to them.
  • Collagen is very important for bones density, as it improves the balance and the density of the bones minerals, which is affected especially for women after menopause.
  • Vitamin C plays another indirect important rules for bones, vitamin C improves the absorption of the Iron, Iron helps to produce collagen, and collagen directly promotes the production of bone tissue cells (called Osteoblasts), which makes the bone thicker and stronger.
  • Collagen is a protein that contains amino acids that make up bone cells.
  • It is great for soft tissues (tendons, ligaments, and cartilages), collagen repairs injured soft tissues and remain adequate fluid quantity within the joints to prevent inflammation and arthritis.
  • Collagen keeps your body healthy and young.
  • On a general profile, Collagen will improve your digestion, increase the rate of fat burn, reduce cellulite.
  • Vitamin C will improve Iron absorption from your diet, which will help you avoid anemia or Iron deficiency.

Neocell Super Collagen + C Dosage:

  • Take 6 capsules per day day.
  • It is best taken on an empty stomach to increase the rate of its absorption.

Ingredients of Collagen + C Tablets:

  1. The tablets contain type 1 & 3 Collagen.
  2. It contains vitamin C.
  3. Contains plant-based magnesium citrate.
  4. It does not contain: soy products, wheat, starch, lactose, artificial flavors.

Super Collagen C Side Effects:

  • Collagen side effects vary for different people, including:
  • Redness and irritation of the skin.
  • Weight gain or loss.
  • Consuming the tablets in a more frequent pattern than the recommended dose may cause stomach ulcers.
  • Keep away from children.
  • It is best to consult a specialist before using super collagen + c if you suffer from any type of allergy, or chronic diseases.
  • Taking precautions, pregnancy and lactation.

Collagen and Vitamin C 120 Tablets

  • Buy neocell super collagen + c 120 tablets at the best price in Egypt.
  • Super Collagen C tablets is certified by the FDA.
  • Collagen Tablets for hair, skin, and nails is 100% original.
  • Get Super Collagen + C Tablets for joints and bones health now and enjoy our best deals.
  • Super Collagen + C Tablets is in a new condition.
Reviews (21)

21 reviews for Super Collagen + C Neocell 120 Tablets

  1. Ahm3d Atta (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  2. Sheiry Youssef (verified owner)

    فيه تأخير في الرد

  3. احمد جوده (verified owner)

    منتج اصلي بصراحه وناس محترمه جزاكم الله كل خير ياب

  4. Aimilia Sioka (verified owner)

    المنتج وصل في المعاد اللي بلغوتني بيه و من احسن الشركات اللي اتعاملت معاها

  5. Monica Reda (verified owner)

    بصي انا دلوقتي في الأسبوع التالت وحقيقي مبسوطه اوي

  6. مني ابوالوفا (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  7. احمد موسي (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  8. تانا سامح عبد الواحد عوض (verified owner)

    بصي انا دلوقتي في الأسبوع التالت وحقيقي مبسوطه اوي

  9. حنان فوزى (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  10. نجلاء محجوب (verified owner)

    والله انا اتبسط اوي بصراحه فا شكرا ليكم

  11. هبه الخطيب (verified owner)

    بصراحه تحفه جدا جدا وفرق معايا كتير

  12. محمد الفطايري (verified owner)

    اه انا لسه كنت هبعتلك .. شكرا اوي وفعلا طلع حلو جدا

  13. ريهام خلف (verified owner)

    ساعدني جدا و نتيجته معايا حلوه جدا

  14. السيد السعيد (verified owner)

    منتج رائع! يتوافق تمامًا مع المعايير والصفات الموضحة الموضحة على الملصق

  15. ايمان عاشور (verified owner)

    استخدمته و طلع حلو جدا

  16. Eman Abdien (verified owner)

    انا استخدمته 3 شهور بظبط وكان تحفه فعلا حاسه بفرق في كل حاجه

  17. مصطفي رشاد (verified owner)

    استخدمت المنتج و كان حلو جدا معايا و نتيجته معايا كويسه جدا

  18. Remonda Michael (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  19. فيفي جلال (verified owner)

    حقيقي منتج ممتاز جدا واول مره اجربه واسعاركو بالنسبه للشوفتها برا كويسه جدا

  20. اميرة صالح (verified owner)

    انا عايزه اشكرك جدا جدا عشان بجد مشوفتش حد صادق زيك وامين

  21. نعمه مصطفي (verified owner)

    الجودة مناسبة مرهه للسعر الحجم كبير المكونات جدا جميله

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