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Lepozene herbal kings drops for weight loss and fat loss – 30 ml

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 270.00 EGP.Current price is: 220.00 EGP.

  • Lepozene herbal kings drops help break up tough lumpy fats to help shed extra kg.
  • Helps reduce your desire for sugars and fatty foods.
  • Lepozene drops increase the fat burning rate and calories.
  • Suppressing appetite for longer hours during the night.
  • 30 ml.
  • Produced by:  Herbal King.
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What is Chromium?

The chromium mineral comes in the supplement form of chromium picolinate. Many of these goods promote weight loss and nutrient metabolism improvements as their primary benefits.

Lepozene herbal kings drops price

You can buy Lepozene herbal kings drops from Beauty Expert and get it at a price of only 220 EGP per package.

Lepozene herbal kings drops benefits

  • Helps break down stubborn fats in the body.
  • Lepozene herbal kings drops help to reduce weight safely.
  • Suppressing appetite for longer hours during the night.
  • Prevent storing new fat in the body.
  • Helps to sculpt and tighten the body.
  • Liposin drops for slimming get rid of cellulite.
  • Aims and target belly fat and thighs.
  • Improves digestions.

Lepozene herbal kings drops ingredients

The formula of Lepozene drops for slimming, provided by Herbal King, contains a group of natural ingredients that work together to lose weight safely and quickly, some of the ingredients:

Fat loss drops dosage

  • Add 20 drops to 1/2 cup of water one hour after lunch.
  • Use Lepozene drops once per day.

Lepozene herbal kings drops side effects

Lepozene drops do not result in serious side effects, because they’re made of completely natural ingredients, however, you need to keep in mind few things:

  • Diabetics, pressure, and heart patients can’t use weight loss products.
  • Groups under 18 years old shouldn’t use Lepozene drops.
  • Not suitable for women during pregnancy and nursing.

Instructions before use

  • Weigh yourself at the beginning of using Lepozene for weight loss to accurately determine the weight lost at the end.
  • Lipozene drops is best used in conjunction with a diet and some exercise.
  • keep away from the reach of the children.
  • Do not take stimulants and caffeine when using.
  • It is preferable to use lepozene for weight loss under the supervision of a doctor.
  • If you have a medical condition or are taking any medications, consult your doctor first.
  • If negative symptoms or side effects occur, discontinue the use of the product and consult a medical professional first.

Lipozene reviews

One customer review:

Pros and cons of Lepozene drops

Here are some of lepozene herbal kings:


  • Prevent storing new fats from different food.
  • Suppress appetite, especially at night.
  • Reduce cellulite appearance.


  • Sometimes it causes loose bowel movements.
  • Upset stomach.
  • Requires too much hydration.

Alternative products for Lepozene herbal kings drops

Common questions about lepozene fat drops

What is the main active ingredient in Lepozene herbal kings?

One of the main active ingredients in Lepozene drops is a green tea extract which promotes healthy weight loss in addition to other benefits such as providing high antioxidants to the body.

There’s no evidence to show Lipozene’s side effects include blood pressure issues.

 Ask for our offers for Lepozene herbal kings drops at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Beauty Expert, by contacting us through the following numbers:

01007224868 || 01064496005

Reviews (21)

21 reviews for Lepozene herbal kings drops for weight loss and fat loss – 30 ml

  1. امانى واكد (verified owner)

    الجودة مناسبة مرهه للسعر الحجم كبير المكونات جدا جميله

  2. ياسر محمد عزمى عزمى (verified owner)

    بص يغالي انا هحتاج ان شاءالله طلبيه كمان الأسبوع الجي وهاكد عليك قبلها وشكرا لتعبكو والله

  3. Mariam hossam (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  4. صباح صالح (verified owner)

    منتجات فوق الوصف دايما في نجاح

  5. محمد الدسوقى (verified owner)

    بقالي شهرين بتعامل معاكوا و بجد مفيش مره متبسطش من المنتجات

  6. أميمة ابوزيد (verified owner)

    شديد المفعول حقا! استعملة عند الحاجة وفي الأوقات المناسبة

  7. Samir Sabra (verified owner)

    حبيبتي انا مش اول مره اتعامل معاكو فا مش هيكون في مشكله ولا حاجه وكلها حاجات بسيطه

  8. باسم فوزى (verified owner)

    مبسوط اني استخدمت المنتج جدا و انه اصلي زي ما توقعت

  9. محمد زرد (verified owner)

    مفيد جدا ويلاحظ التغيير بمدة قصيره

  10. Ahmed Hassaan (verified owner)

    منتج ممتاز ونتيجته سريعه

  11. Aya Mamdouh (verified owner)

    زي ما توقعت منتجاتكوا حلوه و كفايه ذوقكوا بجد

  12. mohamed elbakri (verified owner)

    ميرسي بجد انتي جميله وتعاملك ذوق جدا جدا

  13. محمد وهدان (verified owner)

    المنتج كويس بس اتأخر شوية

  14. Ahmed Metwally (verified owner)

    من المنتجات اللي اتبسطت بيها ونتيجتها كويسه جدا

  15. mohamed eid (verified owner)

    حلو وشركه جميله تسلمو بجد

  16. احمد نبيل كمال (verified owner)

    نصحني به احد الاصدقاء ويقول انه مفيد ونتائجه رائعة

  17. Radwa Shaaban (verified owner)

    انا اتعاملت معاكوا و دايما برشحكوا لصحابي ومعارفي لان منتجاتكوا دايما كويسه جدا

  18. نوره سعيد (verified owner)

    بصي انا بتعامل معاكو علطول فا مش عايزه اجيب من برا فابليز حاولي توفريلي المنتج بسرعه

  19. هاني راتب (verified owner)

    المنتج كويس بس اتأخر شوية

  20. علاء الجعار (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  21. مروة حمدى (verified owner)

    استخدمته و طلع حلو جدا

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