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lepozene herbal for effective weight loss

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 250.00 EGP.Current price is: 180.00 EGP.

  • Lepozene herbal for weight loss and fat burning.
  • Helps to improve digestion.
  • Increases fat burning rate.
  • Lipozene herbs are ideal for suppressing appetite for long periods.
  • Produced by Herbal King.

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Lepozene herbal produced by Herbal King Company, a powerful product in slimming that you can pair with a healthy diet and exercise routine, to get the ideal weight in a healthy way, as it works to block appetite and get rid of fat effectively.

The formula is made of ingredients which has a great ability to absorb water and then convert it into a gel, giving the stomach a feeling of fullness, which makes these herbs block the appetite for longer periods throughout the day.

Read on to learn more about the product.

Lepozene herbal benefits

  • It helps in losing weight quickly and effectively.
  • Tight loose skin as a result of weight loss.
  • Lepozene herbal for weight loss suppresses the appetite and gives the stomach a strong feeling of fullness.
  • Significantly reduce food intake, which promotes natural weight loss.
  • Reduce the intake of sugars and starches.
  • It works to break up fats and prevents the formation of new fats.
  • Speeds up the digestion process.
  • It prevents the absorption of fats from food into the body.
  • It removes excess water in the body.
  • Increases burn levels.
  • Increases fat burning rates in the body.

Lepozene herbal ingredients

  • Konjac plant: Helps suppress appetite and fill the stomach for long periods.
  • Green tea and green coffee extracts: They work to get rid of excess water from the body, and raise the level of fat burning in the body because they contain caffeine.
  • Chromium: helps boost insulin secretion and convert food into energy.
  • Guar gum: removes toxins from the body, reduces the stored fat and extra calories in the body.
  • Apple: The fiber in it binds to fat cells, which prevents the absorption of fats, and apples make you feel fuller for longer.
  • Kiwi fruit: helps reduce excess weight, because it contains potassium, which helps burn calories.

Daily dose

You can drink from 1 to 3 sachet per day for the best results.

How to use

  • Boil 1 cup of water.
  • Add one sachet to the cup and let it steep for 3 minutes.
  • You can add lepozene drops with the herbal.

Package contents

One pack of lepozene herbal contains 30 sachets. Each sachet weighs about 3g.

Lepozene herbal price in Egypt

You can order lepozene herbal from Beauty Expert at a price of 180 EGP after discount.

Lepozene herbal side effects

The formula is effective and safe for weight loss, so it doesn’t cause any side effects, however, it’s advised to consult our experts to avoid any possible side effects.

Notes and instructions

  • Always measure your weight before and after starting slimming herbal.
  • Consult with our dietitian to avoid any side effects.
  • To reach the best results, consult our experts.
  • If you’re pregnant consider contacting your doctor first.

Ask for our offers for weight loss pills and capsules, get connected with one of our dietitians to help you lose weight for free by calling the following numbers:

01007224868 || 01064496005

Reviews (21)

21 reviews for lepozene herbal for effective weight loss

  1. Anna Maria Meli (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  2. Mohamed Alaa (verified owner)

    يروحي ميرسي على الهديه الجميله ومش اخر تعامل

  3. Islam Omran (verified owner)

    منتج اصلي بصراحه وناس محترمه جزاكم الله كل خير ياب

  4. ياسين امين (verified owner)

    شريته هذا المنتج للمرة الرابعة ممتاز ومركز ومفيد انصح به

  5. Ghada Wafik (verified owner)

    كل المنتجات جودتها عاليه وفى مصداقيه كبيره اوى فى التعامل

  6. د جلال محمد على (verified owner)

    تشكرو على المنتج وفرق معايا صحيا

  7. ابراهيم عيد (verified owner)

    ان شاءالله مش اخر تعامل انا أصلا جيلاكو عن طريق صحبتي

  8. Hazem Khaled (verified owner)

    انا عايزه اشكرك جدا جدا عشان بجد مشوفتش حد صادق زيك وامين

  9. Salma Abdulghany (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  10. مارينت قيصر (verified owner)

    ممتاز جدا وشحن سريع وممتاز الجودة

  11. مصطفى رشدي (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  12. Rabab gohar (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  13. علاء النادي (verified owner)

    انا عايز اشكرك طبعا عشان صدقتي معايا من البدايه وبعتلي الحاجه زي ماطلبت وان شاءالله المره الجايه هعمل اوردر بالمنتجات التانيه المتفق عليها

  14. ايمن لبيب (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  15. ساره عصام البيه (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  16. انجي مصطفى (verified owner)

    مفيد جدا للجسم بصراحة تجربتى معاه هايلة

  17. محمد هاشم (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  18. نهي بركة (verified owner)

    نصحني به احد الاصدقاء ويقول انه مفيد ونتائجه رائعة

  19. وسام علي الديب (verified owner)

    والله انا اتبسط اوي بصراحه فا شكرا ليكم

  20. Prof Mona Badran (verified owner)

    نتيجته المنتج رهيبه معايا و مكنتس في توقعاتي انه هيكون كده

  21. عبد المجيد محمد (verified owner)

    شكرا جدا والله تعبتكو

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